Tien Dung
Thinking Sphinx was updated by Tien Dung
Tuesday Nov 18
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Easier alonetone local server setup (disk storage, auto generated config files, auto create migrate and load bootrap use data) was updated by Tien Dung
Thursday Oct 30
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Easier alonetone local server setup (disk storage, auto generated config files, auto create migrate and load bootrap use data) was updated by Tien Dung
Sunday Oct 19
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Easier alonetone local server setup (disk storage, auto generated config files, auto create migrate and load bootrap use data) was updated by Tien Dung 12:07 PM ticket
Thinking Sphinx was updated by Tien Dung 03:51 AM ticket
Thinking Sphinx was updated by Tien Dung 03:17 AM ticket
itune feed creation don't remove http:// from copy and pase url in itune help pagewas updated by Tien Dung 03:14 AM ticket -
Easier alonetone local server setup (disk storage, auto generated config files, auto create migrate and load bootrap use data)was updated by Tien Dung 03:10 AM ticket -
auto-focus on comment field on playwas updated by Tien Dung 03:05 AM ticket -
NaN displays when clicking track play (while loading)was updated by Tien DungWednesday Oct 15